College Admission

Admission is based on entrance test scores, academic grades and interviews. Only applicants who show willingness to abide by the school rules and regulations and who believe and accept the college philosophy of education shall be admitted.

Shifting to another Course
A student may shift to another course provided that there is an approval of the Department Head of the current course and that of the new course.

  1. All new students should take and pass the College Entrance Examination administered by the school. For transferees, they have to present the Transfer Credentials before taking the exam. Students who passed the entrance examination should present the following credentials: Form 138/137A / Class Cards, birth certificate, baptismal certificate, certificate of confirmation and certificate of good moral character.
  2. Old students are readmitted provided that upon evaluation of their grades, they do not have failing grades in more than 8 units. General Weighted Average must be 3.50 or higher.
  1. Students should complete their enrolment within the prescribed schedule.
  2. Late registration shall not be allowed beyond the week after the opening of classes during the regular semester and not more than three days during the summer term.
  3. Only students who have paid the corresponding fees assessed by the proper officials are considered enrolled and entitled to admission in classes upon submission of their class cards to the instructors.
  1. Get the registration form from the Registrars office.
  2. Present the filled up registration form, birth certificate, baptismal certificate, certificate of confirmation, good moral character/ Transfer Credentials if transferee, report card and marriage contract if married to the Registrar’s Office for approval.
  3. Proceed to the Accounting Office for assessment and payments.
  4. Proceed to the Registrar’s Office for class cards and final enrolment.
As a general rule, a student shall not be permitted to take any advanced subject until he/she has satisfactorily passed the prerequisite subject or subjects.
  1. A student who failed in any subject must enroll the subject again, during the succeeding school year.
  2. A student may enroll in not more than nine (9) units during the summer, either for the purpose of making up for the subjects previously failed, or for earning advanced credits in other subjects.
  3. A student shall be permitted an overload of not more than six (6) units during the regular school year, inclusive of subjects previously failed and/or after the approval of the college registrar.
  4. Students of good academic standing may be permitted to take such additional subjects or overload, as the appropriate school official may determine, based upon the previous academic performance of the student and other evidence of educational measurement.
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